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Developing Glassware using the Mirror API

Using this Book

In developing this book, I want to give you the necessary context to get started in development of Mirror API applications for the Google Glass Explorer Edition. Speaking with Glass developers across the country, I have heard stories that Glass is intimidating and that the Mirror API is counter-intuitive. These aren’t problems necessarily easily solved by doing a quick search using your favorite search engine.

To tackle a new technology like the Mirror API, it’s important to understand how the pieces coming together. So, here’s how we are going to break it down.


Glass is built around the timeline metaphor. Given that almost every Mirror API application is built around the timeline, we’re going to start there. You won’t even need to set up a build environment, because we will be able to do almost everything using the Playground that you just configured. It’s a quick way to dive in.

Building Mirror API Applications

Once you understand timeline items, we will take Mirror API Quickstart application and explore the structure of a Mirror API application. We will implement a Mirror application and demonstrate the full Glassware build/debug cycle.

Sharing Contacts

Beyond Timeline items, sharing contacts play an important in Mirror API applications. We will add sharing contacts to our Mirror application. Then, we will demonstrate the power of the contacts for both sharing and voice commands.

Advanced Glass Development

Design patterns for Mirror API applications will be introduced along with UI/UX principles. This content will also address location-based and mapping features. Glass support of HTML5 will also be discussed in this section.

With the above sections, you will have an excellent foundation to pursue and develop your own exciting Glassware applications. You will have a head start on developing applications for the next generation of wearable devices.

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