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Safari Documentation

Offline Reading Options

Safari offers features that allow subscribers to read books while offline. There are two mechanisms for that:

  1. Caching via Offline Bookbag
  2. Token Downloads

Caching via the Offline Bookbag is available in Safari's apps for iOS and Android devices. A subsciber can place 3 titles in their Offline Bookbag and read them while disconnected from the internet. The Offline Bookbag is not available in the browser at this time.

Page views are still recorded for offline reading via the Offline Bookbag, so publisher royalties are still generated from offline reading.

Publishers do not need to set any preferences or take any actions to make their content available for the Offline Bookbag—this functionality is automatically available to all titles on Safari.

Token Downloads are available on the regular Safari website, to most subscribers. If the publisher chooses to make content available for download for offline reading, these settings can be applied on a title-by-title basis in bookstructurelist metadata or via the SCM. It is not a requirement to make token downloads available.

Titles submitted in PDF format can be made available for PDF download, as either chapters or full books. EPUB and MOBI downloads can also be made available for these titles, if the EPUB and MOBI files are provided and the metadata is set up for this.

Titles submitted in EPUB format can be made available for EPUB download, in full book form only. There are no chapter downloads available for titles submitted in EPUB format. MOBI downloads can also be made available for these titles (as a full book MOBI download), if the MOBI file is provided and the metadata is set up for this. 

Downloaded PDFs and EPUBs contain watermarking in the form of footer content that includes the subscriber's name, a copyright statement, and Safari Books Online. The downloaded MOBIs are untouched from what the publisher provided.

We use tokens, rather than dollars, as our currency. A token is the unit of price for a chapter or a book download. Typically, chapter downloads are offered to subscribers at a price of one token per chapter, but that can vary, as it might for very long books with very few chapters. Token values are indicated in the metadata, and token prices are set by the publisher.

Each subscriber gets five tokens each month as part of the subscription. These can be traded in for chapter downloads, which allows the subscriber to read offline—on a plane, for example. The five monthly tokens are valued at $1 each. Most publishers assume that a token is valued at $2. They translate their MSRP into tokens, and may offer some kind of discount off of that.

Publishers do receive revenue based on token redemption for their titles. However, token downloads are rather cumbersome to set up and the revenue to publishers is not always worth the trouble. This, combined with the fact that subscribers do not generally have enough tokens available to download full books, means that we expect to ultimately phase out token downloads in favor of caching on the full site, to match the functionality in the mobile apps.

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