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Big Data Dictionary


MongoDB is a distributed schema-free document-oriented database which is Created at 10gen. It stores documents as BSON (Binary JSON) which are binary encoded JSON like objects. BSON supports nested object structures with embedded objects and arrays. At the heart of MongoDB is the concept of a document which is represented as an ordered set of keys with associated values. A collection is a group of documents. If a document is the MongoDB analog of a row in a relational database, then a collection can be thought of as the analog to a table. Collections are schema-free. This means that the documents within a single collection can have any number of di erent shapes. MongoDB groups collections into databases.

A single instance of MongoDB can host several databases, each of which can be thought of as completely independent. The insert function adds a document to a collection. MongoDB provides only eventual consistency guarantees. So, a process could read an old version of a document even if another process has already performed an update operation on it. In addition, it provides no transaction management so that if a process reads a document and writes a modi ed version back to the database, it may happen that another process writes a new version of the same document between the read and write opertaion of the  rst process. MongoDB also supports indexing the documents on multiple fi leds. In addition, the API interface for MongoDB is very rich and supports di erent batch operations and aggregate function. MongoDB is Implemented in C++. It provides drivers for a number of programming languages including C, C#, C++, Erlang. Haskell, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Scala. It also provides a JavaScript command-line interface.

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